Everpure 2CB5-K Filter


Everpure 2CB5-K Filter

Original price was: $84.90.Current price is: $68.00.

The Everpure 2CB5-K is a compact water filter for home drinking water. It removes contaminants down to 5 micron and ideal for use when 0.5 micron filters block too quickly. Typically customers in Melbourne and Perth prefer this filter.


Everpure 2CB5-K Filter


Everpure 2CB5-K Features

The Everpure 2CB5-K will give you clear and great tasting water for your home or office. The carbon block filter core reduces dirt, dust and particulate down to 5 microns in size and reduces chlorine and organic tastes and odours. Because particulate, taste and odour are removed; you can produce great tasting water for your drinking tap, coffee machine, kettle or ice maker.

This filter also features KDF® Media which reduces microbial build-up in the filter, extending its filtration life. If you are using a sub-micron (0.5) water filter currently and it's clogging up regularly, you will get longer filter life from this 5 micron filter by filtering a little less fine particulate.

Everpure 2CB5-K Certifications

NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standard 42.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Micron Rating


Estimated Capacity

11,000 Litres

Maximum Flow Rate

4 Litres per minute


Height: 260mm Diameter: 83mm